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Campaign Kickoff
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Campaign Kickoff 




All prizes should be displayed prior to your campaign kickoff.   






Have all prizes displayed for school children during your kickoff to motivate the students toward reaching their goals.   






The collection envelope has 15 spaces for listing donors.   $10 from fifteen donors will meet a goal of $150. 






Use different colored highlighters for each Friday the envelopes are turned in.  Hand back envelopes after each count.  






Be sure to hand write or label the information for each participant on the information side of the collection envelope.  






Plan to have 3 to 4 weekly prizes for the top earner each week as well as prizes for a weekly drawing for students that turned in 1/3 of their total goal - plan for two or more prizes per week.   




The whole point of the campaign is to raise money for your organization over a specified number of days leading up to your signature event.  The kickoff is important for setting the tone for your fundraising campaign.   There are different methods based on your organization.  


·         Select the students that will be participating in the event and invite them for an assembly.   Be sure to also invite interested parents.  

·         Introduce your FundMonkey fundraiser to the students.  

·         Set the fundraising goals for each student.  Usually from $25 to $150 per student.    

·         Use the donation collection envelope to hold all the materials needed by students and parents to help them with a successful event.  

·         Go over each item in the collection envelope and explain it to the students.    

·         Explain to the participants that they want donors to sponsor them in their event; they do NOT want pledges for the number of laps or miles.   (Sponsoring the event is simpler for both donors and event coordinators) 

·         Describe the prize tiers (all prizes should be displayed at the time of the kickoff)  

·         During the kickoff, explain how top prizes can be won. 

·         Talk about pizza parties, picnic lunches for classrooms that raise the most money or turn in the most envelopes.     

·         Tell the students about Friday Prizes.  Explain that for each student that turns in donations of at least x% (set an amount) of their goal and a top weekly prize for the student that turns in the most in donations.      

·         Explain the FundMonkey web page, how it can be used to collect donations over the Internet.  The FundMonkey web page and donation codes will e-mailed to the parents. 

·         Clarify that their unique pledge code will ensure they get credit for on-line donations.  

·         Distribute collection envelopes to the students at the end of the assembly.  


Professional Organizations: 

Community Groups, Emergency Responders and Professional Organizations may require a few different options for kicking off their event.    

·         Where possible schedule a group meeting for all your registered participants.     

·         For a business or professional organization, hold a staff meeting covering the same items listed above.     

·         Send a mass e-mail to your participants if, because of geography, it is not possible to hold a meeting.     

·         Use the collection envelope to hold all the materials needed by the participants to help them with a successful event.  

·         Choose fundraising goals that are higher than those for students.  

·         Chose prizes that are more appropriate for this age group and announce prize tiers, if they must be tiered, during your kickoff activities.    

·         Explain to your participants that they should request that donors sponsor the event, NOT pledge the number of laps or miles.   (Sponsoring the participant in the event is simpler for both donors and event coordinators) 

·         Explain the FundMonkey web page, how it can collect money over the Internet using their unique pledge code.  

·         Clarify that their unique pledge code will ensure they get credit for on-line donations and that they will be notified by an e-mail for each donation.  


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