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Campaign Management 







Adding participants to the campaign management system will allow your participants to get credit for the donations they raise online and let you monitor those donations in real time.  






The Campaign Management system will email both participants and donors for each online donation. 






Create a generic Donation Code by creating a user with the first name "Johnson" and last name "Elementary".   

It will look something like this "123-JohElementary". 






It is easy to add users either individually or in bulk.  Don't worry if you make a mistake.  It is easy to edit or delete participant information. 







If you delete a participant and then re-add that participant, the system will generate a new donation code for that participant.  


Many sites will allow you to collect money online, we allow you to collect donations for hundreds of individual participants and monitor those donations in real time.    

The Campaign Management webpage will allow Event Admins to enter participants into the database and will automatically create a unique donation code for each participant.    

Once all participants have been entered online, and donation codes have been created for those participants, with two clicks of the mouse, you can e-mail the donation codes and the FundMonkey web page directly to the participants or to the parents of the participants.  



To upload a single participant, click on the "Enter Single Participant" button on the top left.  You will see a screen similar to the one below.   Once added, you will go back to the main screen where you can edit, delete or e-mail the donation code to the participants.  


The system requires  

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • E-mail address 

The system does not require 

  • Middle initial
  • Phone number

If some of your participants don't have e-mail addresses or their parents don't have e-mail, then you must use a generic e-mail for each participant.  We recommend that you create a generic hotmail account for this purpose such as    



Participants can also be added in bulk using our Excel spreadsheet template.     

  1. Download our Participant Template File
  2. Copy your students or participants from your Excel spreadsheet and paste into our form, one column at a time.
  3. Be sure your rows line up.
  4. Save the new file to your hard drive.
  5. Click "Browse" to find where you saved your file and then
  6. Click "Upload Participant File" once you've located your newly updated participant file. 


  • The downloaded template is protected - make all edits and changes to your name list prior to copying into the template.
  • Save the template in the older .xls format - NOT the newer .xlsx

The bulk upload tool will only support 500 participants per upload.  Additional spreadsheets can be uploaded and added to the current participant list.  

Once the list is uploaded, it is easy to add individual users, edit or delete existing participants.     




Participant or contact e-mail addresses are important because they allow you to send bulk e-mail quickly and easily.    

Participants raising money tend to get competitive, as they request donations from friends and family through e-mail and social networking.  When participants receive donations online they will receive an e-mail notification of each donation to inform them of their fundraising success.    


Create a generic donation code by adding a user with the fist name "Johnson" and the last name "Elementary".  The system will create a donation code like "123-JohElementary".  Post the generic code for potential donors that may not have a specific participant to support.  


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